Digital shark have a stronger business impact through innovative technology solutions in aerospace industry. We offer extensive technological support to all the major players within the sector in power electronics and embedded systems.
Design and development of custom-built digital display cockpits. Custom built High Brightness LED backlights with Optical lamination and backlight drivers. Necessary features with the display solutions are: Custom designed Bezels, Overlaying of graphics symbology and Lightening Protection.
Expertise in providing high voltage and high-power solutions. Developed a digital power supply board for ramp control system having capabilities to convert 3 phase AC to DC. To be installed and operated successfully in the demanding mission-critical, land, sea, and air platforms, power solutions for Defense & Avionics systems which meets a wide range of tough technical and logistical criteria.
We have competencies to help you achieve two of the most important aspects needed of today's AEROSPACE INDUSTRY: ACCURACY and DEPENDABILITY. We know how to execute performance, which is a critical driver of market acceptance.
We have a core expert team for each department: hardware, software, cloud technologies. With our team expertise, we provide technology know-how to create and implement performance improvement programs to help you create an reliable product.
DIGITAL SHARK works with the latest technologies available for complete product design and competency to work in embedded hardware, firmware, and web application design-development.
We build software and hardware solutions that meet industry-specific standards and regulations as per our clients’ requirement.